Agency documents

Licenta de Turism
Brevet de Turism


Romania offers significant tourism potential. The country is rich both cultural and historically and has a multitude of authentic and little explored touristic opportunities. The Tourism Industry is young and in full development stage, segmented and requires a strong local partner when doing business in Romania. However the potential is huge offering great locations for MICE Tourism Industry.

Ultramarin has been in business since 2001, active in MICE projects since 2002 and engaged in DMC business providing MICE services since 2010. In 2015 Ultramarin split in 2 branches: Ultravoyage is the name of the Incoming branch, a new fresh company which focusses entirely on MICE and on promoting ROMANIA as a destination, while Ultramarin is the outgoing branch.

Our strategy is to grow the incoming business segment with 1520% yearly. Ultravoyage has a high reputation. We work with over 100 Romanian business partners and over 20 business partners overseas (Europe, Asia and Middle East). We are happy in continuing growing and developing profitable business. Gabriela started the business in 2001 and grew the business from 3 people to 17 people today and a healthy network of collaborators and subcontractors and cumulating over 50 million Euro businesses since firms’ inception. Her experience includes business management, organizing tours, fairs, exhibitions and regional and European tour guides.


We will happily support a team of 1 or 2 inspectors for setting up business opportunities. We will provide the required arrangements and supporting the cost of the following services:

  1. All domestic transportation such as flights, train tickets and car transfers;
  2. Transfers from the airport to hotel, office, restaurants or meeting venues;
  3. Accommodation with Bed and Breakfast during stay;
  4. Lunch and dinner for all period;
  5. Meeting rooms, conference venues, exhibition halls;
  6. Festive dinner restaurants and venues for Gala Dinners with wine tasting or other incentives;
  7. Touristic assistance during the stay;
  8. Professional guides fluent in Romanian, English, German, French, Spanish, Serbian and Italian;
  9. Promotional materials for better understanding the destination.



To help our partners in providing best services for tourists in Romania, to provide memorable business trips, social and environmentally responsible, satisfying the needs of our clients and always exceeding their expectations.


To increase the image of Romania abroad and to become the leading DMC in the region for our clients and partners, always providing the best possible product, with the highest quality of services, and demonstrating faithfully our commitment towards social and environmental responsibility.


We are in the meetings business sector since 2002 when we started our collaboration with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timisoara (Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Timis) and with Didactic House and School Inspectorate (Casa Corpului Didactic si Inspectoratul Scolar). Thanks to our high quality services we became soon after, their preferred partner. Together we organized Trade Missions including issuing tickets, accommodations and local transfer services. Because of Miss Gabriela Petcana’s background in educational sector, we established very good collaborations with different schools in Timisoara and around. With them we put together excursions for the pupils, travel journals and interactive games, competitions and raffles, very well prepared touristic assistance for the groups. We have done work with several institutions such as Town Hall Timisoara, West University of Timisoara, West University Foundation and Polytechnic University of Timisoara and Bucharest, Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca. For them we organized offsite meetings and conferences. The full service included: transport services (flights tickets and bus, car rental), accommodation, transfers, meeting rooms’ preparation and catering services.

Staff and Experience

We have a team of total 17 employees. The General Manager (GM) has 4 direct reports responsible for different functions. We have an outgoing and incoming department. Each department is headed by an experienced person. They are responsible for developing and implementing and selling our products and services. They are also responsible for budgeting and P and L and report directly to the GM. Our PR and Marketing departments are responsible with defining and producing all required materials for the programs developed in house or working on specific customers’ requests. Our Operations department aggregates specific supporting functions required to implement the programs. Our staff is fluent in English, Italian, German and Spanish.